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CEW 2017 mAsk4CampusEquity Toolkit
Order the 2017 mAsk4CampusEquity design by Rebekah Tolley
order a mix of 2017 design and the classic Campus Equity Now design by David Wilder for 2013
Buttons: .49 cents each plus S&H.
Stickers: .075 cents each plus S&H
Orders take approximately
one week to arrive
See the toolkit of 2017 campaign designs to download and use for your campus actions!
The CEW Toolkit contains these downloadable mAsk4CampusEquity graphics:
Campaign Logo that that can be scaled to any size
Campaign Masthead that can be scaled for posters or fliers
"Adjunct Dollar" Food Coupon with facts on the back
Campaign Bookmark with talking points on the back
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