Start Planning Your 2017 Campus Equity Week Actions!
Call for Participation

This year the Campus Equity Week theme, mAsk4CampusEquity, takes advantage of the unique power of the arts to provoke awareness and inspire change. Masking allows us to both disguise and declare the complex identities of precarious academic workers. Using the arts allows us to educate our communities about the negative consequences of inequitable employment practices within higher education.

We invite you to be part of our campaign by organizing an exhibit, a performance, or other arts-based action in your campus community:
print-ins; installations; photography exhibits; video; digital and new media;
plays/skits; historical re-enactments; processions; carnivals;
mime, dance or musical concerts; puppet theatre; and spoken word events.
Campus Equity Week has traditionally spanned the last calendar week in October. This year we are calling for a national day of action on October 31st. We suggest that one action occur on Tuesday the 31st, and that any other CEW actions or events be scheduled to take place in the days around October 31st as appropriate for the local calendar.

Feel free to contact us with any questions at ProfessorStaff@campusequity2017.com.
All three images: San Francisco Art Institute and California College of the Arts, SEIU 1021
Get your colleagues together into a working group, reach out to other campus organizations and include student groups.
Reserve space now for 10/31/17 even if you are not sure exactly what you intend to do; it may not be available if you wait until all your plans are set.
If you are a member of a union, request funds for materials and promotions through your local and or state/national affiliate.
If you are not represented by a collective bargaining unit, set up a GoFundMe or a Kickstarter campaign with a specific goal.
Help get the word out. Join the CEW FB page, follow us on Twitter @2017CEW, use #2017CEW and #mask4ce when tweeting about CEW. Make sure your friends, colleagues, and students do the same!
Email ProfessorStaff@campusequity2017.com and submit your project for our national calendar of events.
"Food stamp," Rebekah Tolley, UUP Albany Chapter, AFT Local 2190
TAUP (Temple Association of University Professionals) AFT4531 recent arts activism
Left: The Adjunct Office, pop-up info kiosk during contract campaign
Right: Graduation Path (students honoring faculty on "pavers" at graduation)
Photos by Jennie Shanker